With an increasingly smartphone-centric world, it is no wonder that businesses are starting to invest more in the development of mobile apps, as people are constantly hooked to their gadgets. With the wide variety of devices available on the market, how can you ensure that your application will work on all of them? Developing cross-platform apps is the answer!
Many different types of cross-platform mobile apps are capable of running on any device and platform, including smartwatches, tablets, smartphones, connected TVs, and PCs. By choosing cross-platform development as your approach, you can achieve a faster time to market, a greater amount of code reusability, broaden your reach, and make updating and maintaining your applications easier. This is why many companies now prefer to build their cross-platform apps with react native apps instead of using other development frameworks.
This guide will provide you with a complete guide on how cross-platform apps are developed.
Current market conditions for mobile app development
The Internet of Things is driving the market for apps forward. Using this platform is possible to capture huge amounts of data with the hope of optimizing or integrating the information. There is an apparent growth in revenues both in cross-platform mobile app development and in existing markets for cross-platform mobile apps in 2023, but these increases are consistent and substantial.
Among the top drivers of the mobile app market trends are the adoption of several gadgets and the need for an eCommerce business to grow. As enterprise applications continue to expand, the Android & iOS platforms are also gaining ground, resulting in a boost in developer demand as the companies pursue mobile app development to meet their needs.
Here are some statistics to consider:
According to a Grandview report, the market size of mobile apps was $94.3 billion in 2021. From 2022 to 2030, the market size of mobile apps is expected to increase at a rate of 13.4% (CAGR).
In the United States, 88% of Americans spend more than half of their lives checking their mobile phones or using mobile apps.
Why Cross-Platform App Development Is A Beneficial Process
If you are designing an app that will run on multiple platforms, why would you want to create one that will work only on one platform? To optimize the performance of your cross-platform app across different platforms, it is crucial to analyze both the benefits and disadvantages of multi-platform app development.
A simple process to maintain
If it is necessary to modify or customize the app in the future, it is easier to deploy and maintain an app using a single codebase. The update process can be performed simultaneously on all platforms and devices.
A quick prototyping process
The development of cross-platform apps has become easier, faster, and more effective with cross-platform technology. Quick prototyping can be used successfully here to ensure that the development process is going as quickly and by the predetermined steps.
Deployment is easy
Having one app that runs across several platforms makes maintaining and delivering code updates significantly easier. Changing any platform or device may be accomplished effortlessly. An easily repairable defect or error can benefit from a common code as well.
Research on the market

There is no doubt that the development process of cross-platform apps is faster in comparison to the development of general-purpose apps. The development process also speeds up deployment, and the maintenance process is quicker as well. With a shorter time to market, the application will be able to reach the audience sooner, which in turn will benefit your business by making your services more accessible in a shorter period.
What is the process of making a Cross Platform Mobile App?
As businesses seek to reach as wide an audience as possible, cross-platform apps have become increasingly popular among mobile developers as they strive to reach as many consumers as possible. Cross-platform apps can be created in numerous ways, but the following steps can serve as a general overview of how cross-platform apps are created:
Identify the goals and objectives of your app
When it comes to developing a cross-platform mobile app, it is very important to take the time to determine what your goals are and what you want to accomplish before you start the development process. Describe in detail the goal of the application, your target audience, and any features you would like to add. To make sure that everyone involved in the project is on the same page when it comes to the plan and to achieve success, you must know all of these things ahead of time.
To find a development platform that will work best for your project, you need to have a clear understanding of what your goals are.
Choosing the right tool for cross-platform app development
Developing cross-platform mobile apps is possible in many ways. Mobile app development tools that work across multiple platforms are the most widely used. As a result, you will be able to use one codebase across iOS and Android devices.
If you are looking for a cross-platform development tool to use, there are several options to choose from. There are a variety of options for developing mobile applications, including React Native, Flutter, and Ionic.
Design your Cross-platform app
Designing a cross-platform app requires a few considerations. It is firstly important that you ensure the UI components you are using are consistent across all screen sizes and devices. For this reason, it is important to adhere to the same color scheme, icons, and fonts throughout the whole interface and make sure that it is easy to understand regardless of what device it is accessed from. For the app to work offline, you must consider how it will be implemented.
In particular, this is true for apps that are intended for use in businesses and other locations in which the availability of an internet connection may not always be readily available.
Develop you App
Once you have determined the basic structure of your application, you can begin programming it. There is one area where things can get a bit complicated, and that is when you have to make sure that your app is scalable and secure at the same time. Afterward, you can begin developing your application in a programming language such as Dart, React, or Ionic. By using a cross-platform development approach, the app can be ported to a variety of platforms easily.
Launch your app and test it
As a final step in this process, we will run the app through a series of tests and launch it. There is a very important step here, which is testing the app on every supported device and platform to ensure that it works as expected. It is ready to be launched once it passes all tests. The app may have to be submitted to a Google Play Store or an app store, depending on its type.
There is no doubt that cross-platform development is on the rise and has promising prospects. The cross-platform approach to mobile application development is increasingly popular with private businesses as well as large corporations such as Google and Facebook.
SynergyWorks, a major company that specializes in the development of cross-platform applications in various industries and brands all over the world, builds numerous innovative, high-end, and groundbreaking mobile applications for companies and industries around the globe. Let us help you with cross-platform mobile app development! You can always count on us.
About Author
Shikha Taman
Shikha Taman is the founder & CEO of SynergyWorks Solutions. With over 12 years of experience in the industry. She has extensive knowledge of software engineering, project management, client management, and business strategy. She strives to ensure all the products developed are always up-to-date with materializing technologies to remain competitive in today’s marketplace.